Friday, June 17, 2011

Secret Agent

Spencer and Beckett were being secret agents.  Beckett was Agent Jumpy B, because he likes to jump.  Spencer was Agent Skippy S, because he likes to skip.  After a while, Spencer said, "Mom?  Agent Skippy S is too long.  You can just call me A-S-S for short!"

The Boss

Spencer:  Beckett is not the boss at this house.
Beckett:  But, I just THINK I'm the boss!

Friday, June 3, 2011


Me:  Beckett, I need you to help me so that we can be ready to go camping soon!
Beckett:  I want to help by sitting here and eating grapes.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Real breakfast

Spencer just told me, "Mom!  I am NOT eating these Cheerios just for fun!  I'm eating them for my real breakfast!"