Monday, June 17, 2013

He went to Jared?

Tonight at Spencer's baseball game, Beckett was sitting on my lap and was messing with my wedding ring. He said, "Mommy? Did this come from Jared?!"

Stormy rain

Beckett: "I really like when we have stormy rain at t-ball, so that we can leave early and don't have to play the whole, entire game...."


Spencer: I know that trees are made up of wood, but I just don't understand how they get the slivers in them....

Monday, April 22, 2013


Beckett:  What does that container say?
Doctor:  It says, "tongue depressors".
Beckett:  Oh, what's that?
Doctor:  They are the sticks we use to look in patients' mouths.
Beckett, Oh, are they made of wood?
Doctor:  Yes, like a popsicle stick.
Beckett:  But, what if you were looking in a beaver's mouth and it just kept eating the tongue depressors?
Doctor:  Well, I don't know...  I guess that's why we don't allow beavers into the clinic.
Beckett:  Yeah, that's a good plan.  They might eat all of the tongue depressors.

Sunday, April 7, 2013


Beckett:  Will someone go get my pillow pet?
Me:  Why do you think someone else should do everything for you?
Beckett:  I am the littlest!  I should be the king!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter Outfits

Me:  Hey boys, we need to get ready to leave.  We are going to go buy Easter outfits today.
Beckett:  Oh!  Can mine be the Easter bunny?!

Sorry, buddy.  It's Easter, not Halloween.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

What is the point?

Beckett:  Hey guys!  What is even the point of talking if you don't have something really important to say?!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

So rough...

Tonight I said, "Beckett!  Tomorrow you will be six!  When people ask how old you are, you will have to use BOTH hands to show them!"

Beckett replied, "Awww... that will make me so tired!!!"

Friday, March 8, 2013


Me:  Daddy won't be home tonight.  He is staying in another town because he has a meeting tonight and then more meetings tomorrow.
Spencer:  *gasp*  Is there a hotel?
Me:  The meeting place isn't an actual hotel, but it's like a hotel.
Spencer:  Oh good!  He will have shelter!  I was afraid he'd have to sleep outside tonight!


The boys asked for spaghetti for supper.  I said, "Well, we don't have spaghetti noodles, but I could make it with this" and held up a box of penne.  Beckett said, "Okay, but only if those noodles taste the same as spaghetti strings!"

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Big plans

Me:  Hey, Spencer and Beckett, we got a postcard in the mail that it's almost time to sign up for Little League!  Do you want to play baseball again this year?
Spencer:  Sorry, but I have other plans for this summer.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Books Are Awesome

Spencer:  Mom, this bookmark says, "Books are awesome."  I'm pretty sure that the person who made it likes to read.  Because, if they didn't like to read, I think they probably would have made it say, "Books suck."